你的前途是〈br〉我们的前途是你的前途〈br〉your way is 〈br〉our way is your way〈br〉〈br〉总部位于美国佛罗里达州迈阿密的汉堡王burger king公司创立于1954年,是全球第二大连锁快餐企业,目前在全球65个国家及地区经营着超过11,100家餐厅,员工超过360,000名。汉堡王致力于向顾客提供价格合理的优质食品、快捷的服务和整洁的就餐环境。我们的标志产品whopper(皇堡)作为世界上最著名的汉堡包之一,长期以来深受顾客青睐,每年的销量超过2.1亿个。汉堡王公司自2004年进驻中国建立独资企业,正在不断地发展壮大。〈br〉〈br〉汉堡王公司广纳贤才,从直接服务顾客到幕后推动成长战略,这里是您展现才华的大舞台。汉堡王公司为员工提供系统的培训、广阔的发展空间和完善的福利保障。无论您正寻求在跨国企业中的职业发展机会,还是想找一份离家近的兼职,汉堡王都能提供丰富的就业机会。还在犹豫什么,欢迎您来申请加入汉堡王大家庭。〈br〉〈br〉miami-based burger king&;reg; corporation was established in 1954 today is the second largest quick service restaurant company in the world. bkc oversees a system of more than 11,100 restaurants in more than 65 countries and territories around the world with more than 360,000 employees. bkc believes in the simple concept of providing its customer with reasonably priced quality food, served quickly, in attractive, clean surroundings. the whopper&;#8482; sandwich, one of the best-known hamburger sandwiches in the world, remains a perennial favorite with more than 210 million whopper&;#8482; sandwiches having been sold to our customers yearly. bkc entered china in 2004 as a wholly foreign owned enterprise and is growing rapidly. 〈br〉〈br〉bkc is seeking people with diverse talents with a passion for customer service to help us drive growth strategies. we provide our employees with international-standard training, wide career development and welfare coverage. whether you’re looking for an exciting opportunity to shape a career with a global leader or for a terrific part-time job close to home, bkc offers the juiciest of possibilities! you are welcome to apply to join the burger king family.〈br〉〈br〉请将个人简历、学历证书复印件、身份证复印件及个人近照e-mail或寄往以下地址(请在e-mail或信封的主题上注明应聘职位):〈br〉地址:上海市九江路333号金融广场704-708室,人力资源部,200001〈br〉联系人:张小姐〈br〉传真:021-6352 0409〈/p〉
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