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安联人寿保险有限公司(简称:安联人寿)总部位于上海,1999年正式开业,是由合资转外资独资的人寿保险公司。 凭借德国安联集团超过130年的保险和风险管理经验,以及全球品牌影响力,安联人寿深耕中国中高端寿险市场多年,通过营销员团队、合作银行、多元和数字化渠道等全方位的营销网络,为中国消费者提供专业全面的人寿保险解决方案,涵盖生存、养老、疾病、医疗、身故、教育金等多种保障范围,让每一位客户拥有无忧人生。 目前,安联人寿已在上海、广东、浙江、四川、江苏、深圳、北京、山东、青岛、湖北和宁波设立了11家省级分支机构,并在近40个城市开展业务。 展望未来,安联人寿将秉承安联集团稳健可靠的百年传统,融以创新精神,聚焦活力城市的富裕、新兴、时尚群体,打造“有爱、有趣、有才、有为”的营销菁英团队,为客户提供差异化、特色化、精细化的保险产品和增值服务,致力于成为中高端寿险市场引领者。 allianz china life insurance co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as azcl) headquartered in shanghai, officially opened for business in 1999. azcl is the first life insurer in china to be transformed from a joint venture to a wholly foreign-owned company. leveraging allianz’s experience in insurance and risk management over the past 130+ years, as well as its world-leading brand influence, azcl has been focusing on the high-end insurance sector to provide customers with comprehensive insurance solutions through extensive distribution networks including agency, bancassurance, alternative and digital channels. the company offers life, pension and health insurance, as well as protection against accident, disability, critical illness, educational expenditure and so on. secure every customer have a carefree life. with operations in nearly 40 cities, azcl has set up 11 provincial-level branches in shanghai, guangdong, zhejiang, sichuan, jiangsu, shenzhen, beijing, shandong, qingdao, hubei and ningbo. looking forward to the future, allianz china life will adhere to the century-old tradition of allianz group, with the spirit of innovation, focusing on the rich, emerging and fashionable groups in dynamic cities, we will build an elite agent team of "loving, interesting, talented and promising" to provide customers with differentiated, distinctive and refined insurance products and value-added services. we are committed to becoming a leader in the middle and high-end life insurance market.


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